Our Virtual Learning is designed to provide students with 1-on-1 personalized instruction.
Students can hone in on new skills or even refresh prior knowledge with one of our subject experts.
Welcome Back P4Parents!
Thank you for your interest in our Punch4Pounds Tutoring/Mentoring component.
Beginning August 29, 2022, tutoring hours for all youth will be 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mondays - Thursdays. Our primary focus is on students in the second through eighth grades. We will provide assistance with reading and mathematics, homework help, and tutoring, as well as a safe, positive environment conducive to academic and emotional success.
As a parent, your commitment to partnership in your child's education, social/emotional, and leadership skills is critical to the well-being of each student and program. We will provide reading, math, homework help, tutoring, and a safe, cheerful environment conducive to academic and emotional success.
Your involvement in your child's education, social/emotional development, and leadership abilities is vital to the program's success. Report cards and progress reports are needed to help tutors identify and design a plan of support for your kid. Remember that positive attitudes are appreciated and contagious.
We appreciate your time and commitment to your child and our organization!

Designed for convenience & personalized attention
Before starting a session, Tutors already have an understanding of current student troubles, goals, and expectations
Ask real time questions & receive real time answers with screen sharing and virtual face-to-face interaction